Come welcome spring and the beginning of the tourist season in Bishop Hill as our stores, museums and restaurants offer special discounts, events, and activities all weekend. Collect signatures from 6 businesses or museums and be entered for a gift basket drawing at the Colony Store.  Spring Fling activities are from April 5, 6, and 7 2024.

Events planned for Spring Fling Weekend include:

Vasa National Archives – Opening Reception for Rocky Mountain Lodges, an exhibit looking at the formation and disbandment of the Vasa Order’s District Lodge Rocky Mountain #11. Light refreshments Call 309-927-3898 or email for more information.

Bishop Hill Creative Commons will host a Book Fair on April 6 from 11-4. Meet local authors, collect autographed books, discuss your dreams of publishing your stories at this free event. Contact Brian “Fox” Ellis for more information: 309-696-1017 or

Bishop Hill Old Settler’s Association will host a This ‘N That Rummage Sale on April 6. Stop by the Colony School to find a special treasure, trinket, or tchotchke while you’re visiting opening weekend in Bishop Hill!

Bishop Hill Heritage Association will present Singing Bird and the Importance of Native American Women in Illinois. Dressed in her native regalia, Kim Sigafus McIver gives a history of Natives in Illinois with a focus on Native women, or what was considered “The Hidden Half.” This one-hour program is free and is open to the public. It will start at 1 p.m. at the Steeple Building Museum. For more information, contact the Bishop Hill Heritage Association at 309 927-3899 or Sponsored by the BHHA and the Illinois Humanities Council Road Scholar Program.

Finish each evening at the Creative Commons listening to Mason Jennings (Friday), Acromusical (Saturday), and Ferocious Few (Sunday). These three musicians showcase three different musical styles. Mason Jennings will be performing his own music written after the birth of his son in 2022 and are featured on his latest albums and videos. Acromusical is sharing the sounds of the musical bow (berimbau) found in Brazil and sub-Saharan Africa. the Ferocious Few, continue to prove that blue collar music with an honest message will always have a home in the middle class. “I make music that’s true to me, I sing a message that is pure to myself, we perform a real show.” Each night begins with an optional potluck at 6 and music at 7. Suggested donation $15.

For more information on Spring Fling please call 309-927-3898 or email for more information.