Over 250 students at Galva, Cambridge, and Williamsfield experienced a unique educational performance given by professional storyteller Brian “Fox” Ellis on Wednesday, September 3. At each of these schools, Mr. Ellis portrayed John James Audubon, a famous American ornithologist, naturalist, and painter from the 19th century. Students were regaled with tales of Mr. Audubon’s travels and his work identifying American birds. Photographs of the Cambridge performance can be seen at http://bishophillheritage.org/2014-bishop-hill-chautauqua-visited-area-schools/ .
This program was part of an outreach program for the Bishop Hill Chautauqua. The Chautauqua itself was on Saturday, September 6. The school program and the Chautauqua were organized by the Bishop Hill Heritage, with the assistance of the Twin Flower Inn.
In addition, the school program was sponsored, in part, by a grant from the Galesburg Community Foundation and the Bill and Susan Sherrard Foundation.