A Robbie Burns Supper is a flavorful immersion in a 200 year old Scottish tradition with bagpipes, song and delicious haggis. The Filling Station in Bishop Hill will serve roast beef, mashed potatoes & neeps, peas, and sticky toffee pudding (it’s really a cake with yummy brown sugar and butter sauce!) on Wednesday, January 25th with seatings at 5:00 and 6:30. The meal, with entertainment, costs just $15 and is half-price if you wear a kilt. Reservations are highly encouraged, so please call 309-927-3355.
Robert Burns is one of Scotland’s most famous sons. And though some may not recognize the name, everyone knows his work. He is the author of such famous poems as “Auld Lang Syne” and his ode “To a Mouse”, which includes the line ‘the best laid plans of mice and men.’ He was born the son of poor tenant farmers in 1759 and though he died young in 1796, his poems have been an inspiration to many from Maya Angelou to John Steinbeck. Abraham Lincoln memorized all Burns poems and often recited them from memory for guests at The White House.
Burns’ genius is celebrated every year, all over the world, with a fine dinner that includes a few poems and the ceremonial piping in of the haggis, a traditional Scottish sausage. The Haggis will be piped in by Bill Good of Kewanee, who will then recite Burns’ “Address to a Haggis”, one of Burns’ most famous poems.
From Scotland to Singapore, Boston to Bishop Hill, folks will gather on this, the day of Robbie Burns birth, to offer toasts and share the warmth of each others company on this cold, late January night. B.Y.O.B. Scotch preferred!
The folks at The Filling Station are excited to host the second annual Burns’ Supper in Bishop Hill where everyone can celebrate their immigrant roots and be a part of an international affair that happens every year on January 25th, Robert Burns’ birthday.