For the past couple of weeks, news articles and video reports keep appearing on my computer and my phone about year-end giving to non-profits. Apparently, December 30 and 31 are the biggest giving days of the year. In fact, some non-profits receive 60% of their annual financial donations during the last week of December, according to one article. I must admit I was a little surprised by those numbers because I figured that everyone spent all their money on Christmas gifts and parties by now.
However, if you are planning to make an end of the year donation to a non-profit organization, please consider the Bishop Hill Heritage Association. Through our website, press coverage, and social media, all of you know all the good that the BHHA does as it works to preserve the history and legacy of the Bishop Hill Colony.
If you wish to make a tax deductible donation, you can do it online at . When you enter the PayPal portal, it will say Bishop Hill Colony Store, which is the gift shop for the BHHA. You can also mail a tax deductible donation to the BHHA at PO Box 92, Bishop Hill, IL 61419. Please make the check out to the “BHHA.”
Have a Happy New Year and a great start to 2024!