The 2016 Bishop Hill Quilt Show will be from May 13 to May 15, 2016. This year’s theme is “Lattice, Leaves, and Landscapes.” At the Colony School, a bedazzling display of color will fill the building. Over 100 quilts will be on display: antique, miniature, patchwork, applique, and much more. Admission fee for the Colony School is $5. Proceeds from the show will be used for various charity quilts distributed to local hospitals, homes for the elderly, veterans, and children in need.
Throughout the rest of Bishop Hill, there will be additional quilt exhibits in a variety of shops and museums, including a special display in the Steeple Building Museum. The Prairie Queen Quilt Club Theme Challenge and the Row-by-Row Quilting Adventure quilts will be on display in the Welcome Center. For more details about the quilt show, please call 309 927-3851. The quilt show is sponsored by the Prairie Queen Quilt Club and the Bishop Hill Arts Council. Show hours for May 13 and 14 are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Show hours for May 15 are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
A special Wheat Weaving Demonstration and Sale will be held in the Steeple Building Museum, May 13 and 14, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and May 15, 10 a.m.- 4p.m. Representatives of the Illinois Association of Wheat Weavers (IAWW) will be on hand to answer questions and demonstrate the plaiting methods used to transform wheat straw into delicate works of art for free. Walk-ins are welcome to try a variety of wheat weaving techniques, guided by experienced members of the IAWW. A large selection of this beautiful art work will be on display and available to purchase. Call 271-732-1957 for more information.
On Saturday, May 14, Sweet Annie Primitives will have “A Day in the Garden” open house from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy the refreshments while exploring Sweet Annie, filled with primitives for your home and garden. Call 309 927-3072 or go to for more details about their open house.
In addition, the Henry County Historical Museum will have a vintage wedding attire display, with programs, from May 13 to May 15. Guests will enjoy viewing wedding dresses dating back to 1883. On Friday, May 13, Grace Abel of Woodhull will present a program on her vintage hat collection at 2 p.m. On Saturday May 14, Donna Klavon-Hajek of Galva will speak about vintage women’s clothing and wedding dress traditions at 2 p.m. Also that Saturday afternoon at the Henry County Historical Museum, Nicole Tisdell will be available to discuss her custom designed wedding planning business “Bishop Hill Weddings.”
For more information about these activities or future events in Bishop Hill, call 309 927-3899.