Starting in July, BHHA activities really picked up steam. The following are some of the major events that the Heritage was involved with:
- July 2013 completed the Steeple Building exterior restoration project and the Colony Store construction project.
- Throughout the summer and into the fall, the Black Hawk East Garden provided produce and materials for fundraisers.
- August 17 during Clay and Fiber Fest, the BHHA had another successful Pie in the Park fundraiser.
- Late August started the Dairy Building Interior Renovation project.
- September 7, the Heritage organized and hosted the 1st annual Bishop Hill Chautauqua.
- September 28 and 29 during Ag Days, the BHHA Swedish Hotdog Stand fundraiser was a success.
- In November and December, the BHHA co-sponsored Julmarknad and Lucia Nights. In addition, the Heritage created a Swedish Christmas Traditions exhibit in the Steeple Building.
These activities, and others too numerous to list, were made possible by the help and support of BHHA board members, volunteers, donors, and members. Thank you all for helping the Bishop Hill Heritage Association have a very busy and successful year.