The next meeting of the Illinois Workforce Investment Board will be on Thursday, September 18th at the VagnHall Galleri in Bishop Hill, IL. The VagnHall Galleri is located on the 2nd floor of the Prairie Arts Center at 203 North Bishop Hill Street. The meeting is from 1 to 3 p.m. and will be open to the public.
The Illinois Workforce Investment Board (IWIB) is appointed by the Governor and charged with the task of reviewing the progress of the state’s workforce planning efforts. The sixty member board facilitates workforce development services and programs in order to meet the workforce needs of Illinois employers and workers. To meet this directive, the IWIB includes leaders from state, business, industry, labor, education and community-based organizations. Please check out their website at to find out more about the IWIB.
This meeting is being hosted by the Bishop Hill Heritage Association. If you have questions about the meeting location, please call 309 927-3899 or email