September 1850 Freight List from the ship Aeolus, in Swedish. Partial translation is below:
“Description of loose property which below signed has handed over to Official Stemberg for payment of freight to New York in North America, under the condition that everything will be redeemed back again at the same value and price plus reimbursement of freight from New York to Illinois and Henry Co. Items of before mentioned property all as follow:
1 pair of blue pants 13
1 pse linen sheet 12
2 linen shirts…………… ….
Total sum 78.24
Should undersigned fail to repossess above described chest and loose property deposited with Stemberg against payment of 78/24 (Riksdalar/Schillings) as well as judgement for freight by the date of Nov this year or 1850 all property will belong to H.F. Stemberg and will be forfeit without any further chance of redeeming. This declaration is made of necessity in the interest of both parts on the ship Eolus September 1850. After the delivery of above named properties safe arrival in America.
Witness Signature
Eric Martensson”