On Saturday August 21 in Bishop Hill, IL, Lynne M. Jackson, great-great granddaughter of Dred Scott, and founder and president of the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation, will present a program on the Legacy of Dred Scott. Lynne has appeared in numerous media outlets including, C-Span, NPR, PBS, Time, Newsweek, Netflix and is featured in four documentaries. This free presentation is open to the public and will start at 2 p.m. at the village park gazebo. Please contact the Bishop Hill Heritage Association at bhha@mymctc.net or by calling 309 927-3899 for more details about this program. The BHHA, Geneseo Foundation, and Bill and Susan Sherrard Foundation are sponsoring this program.
Dred Scott and his wife, Harriet, were pioneers in the American civil rights movement. Their case, the landmark Dred Scott Decision of 1857, became a major catalyst for the Civil War. Since the inception of the foundation in 2006, Lynne has dedicated herself to casting a new light on the history of her ancestor and the landmark Dred Scott Decision by commemorating, educating and actively working toward reconciliation. For the last 16 years, she has traveled across the United States sharing the story of her ancestors, their case, and how it has impacted our nation.