The seventh annual Bishop Hill Chautauqua will be this Saturday, August 24th, from 11:00 am until 5:00 pm. The theme this year is “An Encounter With Visionaries.” The re-enactors will bring to life four characters who changed the world: the pioneering biologist Charles Darwin; a leader in the effort to win women the right to vote, Susan B. Anthony; botanist and civil rights hero, George Washington Carver; and the first singer/songwriter to win the Nobel Prize, Bob Dylan!

The festivities begin at 11 a.m. with Brian “Fox” Ellis portraying Charles Darwin and telling the stories of his voyage around the world on HMS Beagle. As one scholar has said, modern biology would make no sense without Darwin’s theory of evolution. Though highly controversial in his day, 150 years of research has only confirmed his ideas. This performance is equal parts history, science and stand-up comedy as Darwin shares the stories of his adventures in the wildest places on the planet.