The Illinois Humanities Council announced today that the Heritage has received $1,300 for the Bishop Hill Chautauqua. This brand new event will occur on Saturday September 7. The BHHA thanks the IHC for their contribution. A detailed description of the BH Chautauqua is given below:
Spend the day with several characters from our past. Join us for a historical re-enactment brought to life through storytelling and music.
History … in person:
1:00 Carl Sandburg:
Poet of the People
3:00 Civil War Women:
w/ Mother Bickerdyck, Julia Grant and Albert Cashiers
5:00 Dinner
6:00 America’s Musical History
w/ Ken Bradbury
7:00 The War of 1812
w/ Ninian Edwards &
Potawatomi Chief Gomo