I just wanted to share with all of you an interesting experience that I had today. After closing hours, I was cleaning up from the Toy Tractor Weekend (more on that later) when I saw these 4 teenagers outside the building taking photos. Being curious, I went outside and asked them what were they up to. They told me that they were doing a video project for their U.S. History class about urbanization, technology, and how it has changed. They asked if they could come in and take some video clips for their project. Of course, I said yes, and they took video of the 2nd floor exhibits and the Steeple Building restoration photographs. They thanked me and went on their way.
It is a nice reminder that one of the BHHA’s goals is to educate the next generation about how the past has shaped our present and influence our future. I know that sometimes I get so busy with our events and restoration projects that it is easy to forget we are doing all this to pass on this unique heritage, like it was passed on to us. It is nice to get a reality check, once in awhile. Have a great week everyone!
Todd DeDecker, BHHA Administrator