The Bishop Hill Creative Commons is revitalizing the Bishop Hill Book Fair on Saturday July 11th, from 10 am – 4pm. Folks can meet local authors in their natural habitat. Attendees can hear them roar & read from their recent work. Aspiring authors can attend workshops on cultivating the writer within. Books will be available for purchase, so people can collect autographs from their favorite local wordsmiths.

            The event will be held outside in the shady back yard of the Commons at 309 North Bishop Hill Road, Bishop Hill. They are limiting attendees at workshops so please register in advance to reserve a seat. They are asking folks to wear masks when indoors and to practice social distancing throughout the event. The entire event has been reorganized to follow CDC guidelines and to ensure your safety and comfort.

            Authors include a wide range of genre from children’s book, folklore and young adult novels, to romance, mystery, biography and history. The tentative line-up includes Brian “Fox” Ellis, Jannifer Powelson, Matthew Marchand, Lilly Setterdahl, Mary Davidsaver, J.L. Callison, Devin McSherry, Indigo Skye, and you…

            This book fair is designed to offer something for everyone.

            For book lovers: This is a day to meet and greet local authors, hear them read their recent work, support them in their artistic endeavors, and attend a series of programs on the writers craft. There will be book making and paper making crafts for kids of all ages. The event is free and books will be available for purchase!

            For young authors: Hear about the life of real writers from actual authors! Collect autographs and add to your growing stack of books to read. Explore writing ideas and walk away inspired to pursue your dreams!

            For teachers: Meet some of your favorite local authors and make a few new friends. Book author visits to your school. Pick up some fun ideas to inspire your students to want to read and write more fluently.

            For aspiring authors: Early registration insures that you get a seat at the table; tables provided, though you might want to bring your own table cloth and table top display. You can sell your books, and book some speaking engagements.

            The morning workshops are geared more towards young authors with ideas also appealing to teachers. Early afternoon workshops are geared towards teachers with writing exercises aspiring authors can use. And late afternoon workshops are focused on aspiring writers. Please register on the Facebook event page.

            There is no fee to attend, and all proceeds are earmarked to help re-establish Bishop Hill’s Community Orchard. We will pass the hat during the workshops. The event is hosted by author and storyteller Brian “Fox” Ellis of Fox Tales International who is celebrating his most productive period of his career, publishing 12 new books during this shelter-in-place period. The Midwest Writing Center and all of the authors have also offered their support for the success of this community driven event.

For More information please contact Fox at: 309-696-1017 or

Workshop Schedule:

10:30 Getting Children Back to Nature with Rachel Raccoon and Sammy Skunk with Jannifer Powelson

11:30 Book Making with Brian “Fox” Ellis

12:30 Folk Art with Illustrator Devin McSherry

1:30 Playing with Genre – Turning Poetry into Stories into better Essays with Brian “Fox” Ellis

2:30 The Whys, Why Nots, and What Ifs of Writing with J.L. Callison

3:30 Several Streams of Income from One Research and Writing Project with Brian “Fox” Ellis