Looking ahead to 2021, the Heritage is planning some activities to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the Bishop Hill Colony. For example, the BHHA has organized a program series at the Dairy Building about Bishop Hill. The tentative schedule is as follows:
Date Presenter/Performer Topic
April 10 Jon Wagner BH Colony overview with emphasis on cultural assimilation
April 24 Lilly Setterdahl Women in the Bishop Hill Colony
May 22 Doug Dowell Forrest Cady
June 5 Carolyn Anderson Bishop Hill Colony Material Culture
July 10 Chris Vallillo Folk Music Concert
August 14 Adam Kaul Making and Marketing Heritage: Nostalgia, Dissonance, and Sustainability in Bishop Hill, Illinois
Sept. 18 Brita Butler Wall Anna Sophia, Eric Janson’s widow
Oct. 23 John Norton Eric Janson’s last two letters to Bishop Hill
Nov. 13 Brian “Fox” Ellis Benjamin Dunn Walsh