On Friday September 5, the Bishop Hill Heritage Association will be rededicating two of its Bishop Hill Colony Buildings: the 1854 Steeple Building and the 1853 Colony Store. Both of these pre-Civil War buildings have received extensive exterior restorations over the past several years. The purpose of the rededication ceremony is to celebrate the completion of these two projects and to honor the people and the organizations that made these restorations possible.
The rededication ceremony will be located outside on the north side of the Steeple Building. It will be an open house format from three to six p.m., with a brief formal ceremony beginning at four p.m. At the formal ceremony, the following individuals will be speaking: Rick Collins, general contractor for the Steeple Building project, Harvey Johnson, general contractor for the Colony Store project, State Representative Donald Moffitt, and State Senator Darin LaHood. Light refreshments, provided by BHHA volunteers, will be served immediately after the formal ceremony. The Colony Store and the Steeple Building Museum will remain open until six p.m. From three to six p.m. only, the Colony Store will also be having a sale on all their items, 10% off for all customers or 20% off if you are a BHHA member.
The public is invited to attend the rededication ceremony. In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be moved indoors. For more details, please call 309 927-3899 or email bhha@mymctc.net.