Dr. Anne-Charlotte Harvey will perform a program about Swedish immigration to America, with accompanying music, on Tuesday April 21. Sponsored by the BHHA, this free program will be held at the Dairy Building at 410 North Erickson Street at 7 p.m. This will be an hour-long program with an intermission at the halfway point.
Through her work as a professor of theatre, translator, actor and singer, lecturer and scholar, Dr. Harvey has brought Swedish and Swedish-American culture to the attention of the Americans. Over the years, she has performed in more than one hundred concerts and cultural programs in the United States, Canada, and Sweden, presenting Scandinavian folk songs, emigrant ballads, and dramatic material. Named Scandinavian-American of the Year in 2002, she is the immediate past Grand Cultural Director of the VASA Order of America and Chair of the Cultural Affairs Committee of the Swedish Council of America.