Dr. Art Pitz, a college professor and historian for over forty years, will be presenting a scholarly program about Abraham Lincoln’s role in the Effie Afton Incident at the Dairy Building, located at 410 North Erickson Street in Bishop Hill, IL. A meeting of local notables in Col. Davenport’s parlor set in motion a chain of events that led to a railroad chugging into downtown Rock Island on George Washington’s birthday in 1854, the first R.R. bridge to cross the Mississippi in 1856, and a court case that would bring a heretofore relatively obscure lawyer to national prominence. Was he actually here? Find out by attending this free program on Saturday April 6 at 2 p.m. A Local R.R. Bridge and a Railsplitter is sponsored by the Bishop Hill Heritage Association and the Black Hawk College Speakers Bureau. For more details, please call 309 927-3899, email bhha@mymctc.net, or visit www.bishophillheritage.org.