On Saturday, September 6th, 2014, Bishop Hill will be having three unique events: the 2nd annual Bishop Hill Chautauqua, Sweet Annie Primitives Autumn Open House, and the VASA National Archives Celebration. If you enjoy history and fall shopping, then Bishop Hill will be the place to be on September 6.
The theme for this year’s Bishop Hill Chautauqua is “Uniquely American.” This is a free family oriented event where you will hear re-enactors tell inspiring stories about the historical characters they are portraying. This year’s schedule includes:
11:00 a.m.: Meriwether Lewis: The Comic Mis-Adventures of The Corps of Discovery, as portrayed by Brian “Fox” Ellis
1:00 p.m.: Fanny Crosby: Queen of Gospel Song Writers, as portrayed by Virginia Nelson
3:00 p.m.: Harriet Tubman: Moses of Her People, as portrayed by Kathryn Harris
5:00 p.m.: Gypsy Davey, Traveling Companion to Woody Guthrie, the Dustbowl Troubadour, as portrayed by Barry Cloyd
All programs will be held at the gazebo in the town square. Please bring a folding chair. In the case of inclement weather, we will move the program indoors. For additional information, call 309 927-3899 or visit www.bishophillheritage.org. This program is sponsored by the Bishop Hill Heritage Association, with funding also provided by donations from the public, by the Illinois Arts Council, and by the Illinois Humanities Council. Additional assistance was provided by Brian “Fox” Ellis of Fox Tales International.
Sweet Annie Primitives Fall Open House will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Located at 106 South Bishop Hill Street, Sweet Annie’s specialize in early cupboards, tables, crock, jugs, quilts, textiles, soaps, candles, and one of a kind handmade autumn objects. For more details, call 309-927-3072 or go to www.sweetannieprimitives.net .
Also on Saturday, Sept 6, the VASA National Archives will be celebrating forty years in Bishop Hill. Located at 109 South Bishop Hill Street, the VASA Archives are designed to preserve Swedish culture in America and Canada. The open house will be from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., with snacks and beverages being provided. Also from 6 p.m. to midnight, there will be a BBQ, live music, and dance on the Archives lawn. Call 309 927-3898 for more information about this celebration.